Frequently asked questions

Unsure about something? Browse through our list of the most frequently asked questions. If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

How long am I eligible for the Promise Zone Scholarship?

What high schools are eligible for Promise Zone support?

Who is eligible for college advising support?

Who is eligible for college coaching support?

Who is eligible for our community mentoring program?

Who is eligible for community college summer tuition scholarship support?

If I live outside the city of Hazel Park but within the Hazel Park school district boundaries. Am I still eligible for the college scholarship?

If I live outside Hazel Park school district boundaries, am I still eligible for Promise Zone Scholarship?

Still unsure?

Reach out to us and let us know how we can help.

Sign up for our Newsletter

The Hazel Park Promise Zone offers a short newsletter to help you navigate the scholarship uncertainty. Enter your email below.